Primate food, treats, enrichment items, caging and other supplies.
Jeffer's Pet
Better Pets
Exotic Nutrion
CD&E Animal cages
Organizations Lobbying for responsible Exotic Animal Owners
I encourage all exotic Animal Owners to JOIN UAPPEAL. We need to stick together fight back. This past year I became much more proactive in UAPPEAL. My hard work paid off and UAPPEAL asked me to join their Board of Directors. I am now their Secretary. Some of the benefits of membership include a hired lobbyist fighting for us in Washington, access to an online chat group, support from a vast network of individuals who are knowledgeable in the husbandry of a variety of exotics, educational materials (GOV 101 book) on how to effectively communicate with our elected officials, quarterly newsletter with articles and legislative updates, calls for action regarding ban laws and updates on laws being proposed across the US, invitation to our annual expo where members can meet others who share their passion for exotic animals, help in placement of animals whether temporary or long term in responsible homes. If there is anyone who is willing to help us in our fight we can use all the help we can get. All of the Board of Directors and Element Representatives volunteer their time and are not compensated in any way, other than the satisfaction of knowing we are doing our part to preserve our right to own our animals. The $25 membership fee and any other money donated go directly to paying our federal lobbyist, and the printing and shipping of our newsletter and new member packet.

Other Great animal organizaions that support responsible private owners.

Simian Society of America - The only Primate Only organization whose goal is educate primate owners on proper care.
Other sites with primate related information
Monkey Matters Magazine
Primate Care Manual
Primates as Pets
Monkey Mansion
Off The Wall- Primate Information
Andrea Cambell (Author of "Bringing up Ziggy"
Animal Encounters & Other facilities
Valbuens Chimp Encounters
Dade City's Wild Things
Have any questions/comments, Send me an Email!